Home Forums General Discussion Harmsworth Quays – an opportunity to have your say!

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      From Southwark Planning with attachment


      Last year the Daily Mail group confirmed that it would be moving its printing operations from Harmsworth Quays in Canada Water to a new site in Essex by 2014. This will leave a major site available for development and creates an exciting opportunity at Canada Water.

      We would like to hear your views on the future of this important site.

      Southwark Council is reviewing parts of the Canada Water area action plan (AAP). The AAP is a plan which provides a vision and framework to guide development in the area over the next 15 years and is used to make decisions on planning applications. You can find out more about the AAP here:  http://www.southwark.gov.uk/canadawateraap

      We would like to invite you to a workshop event on Saturday 17 November where there will be an opportunity to review the future of the Harmsworth Quays site. In particular we would like to discuss the sort of uses such as residential, business and leisure that would be appropriate on the site and the scale and density of any future development. We would also like to examine the potential that redevelopment of this site has to improve connections through the area and to create a more walking and cycling friendly neighbourhood.

      The workshop will help feed into a draft revision to the AAP which provides specific planning guidance for Harmsworth Quays. We will consult on this in February and March 2013.

      The workshop will be held on Saturday 17 November at Alfred Salter Primary School on Quebec Way from 10am until 1pm (see the attached letter for a map).

      The workshop will take the following format:

      10am      Welcome
      10.10am Brief presentation
      10.30am Workshop session – part 1 – understanding the area
      11.30am Workshop session – part 2 – testing scenarios

      If you would like to attend the workshop please call the planning policy team on 020 7525 5471 or respond by e-mail to planningpolicy@southwark.gov.uk.

      I look forward to hearing from you.

      Best regards

      Tim Cutts

      Team Leader
      Planning Policy team
      Chief Executive's Department
      5th Floor, Hub 4
      Southwark Council
      PO Box 64529, London SE1P 5LX

      Address for visitors: 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH
      Tel: 020 7525 5380


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