Home Forums General Discussion Sky TV – 2nd Signal Problems

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    • #560

      Hello all,

      We live in the East Block at Rainbow Quay and for the last few days we have experienced issues with the 2nd signal on our Sky box. The 1st signal seems to be fine so there is no problem with watching programmes, but the 2nd signal is not working which means we are unable to record and there is information missing in the online TV guide. We were wondering if anyone else has this issue or if it is specific to our box or cabling. We are using an extension lead from the bedroom for our 2nd signal, which has been working fine for several years.


      Flat 10, 1 South Sea Street.

    • #1420

      Hi there I occassionally get a problem with mine (I have the 2nd signal in my lounge using one of those splitter arrangements and this happens probably once a month or so along with my planner not showing all shows and when I try to watch a recorded show it not working correctly).

      I unplug my Sky box and leave it for 20 seconds or so (not just a quick off and on).  Then when you turn it back on it can take 2-3 minutes to be fully working again as it has to boot up etc but the TV guide gets restored and I can see my planner properly again..

      Might be worth just giving that a try before calling Sky to ask them to talk through their checks on the box etc.

    • #1421

      Hi James,

      Thanks for the advice – I've tried re-booting a number of time but the problem has not cleared. It seems to be external so I'll get in touch with Sky next.



    • #1422


      I'm idly considering getting Sky – how does this work in terms of dishes? Is there a communal one, and if so how do you go about making sure Sky set it up to that rather than putting one in? If there is one, does that affect 'new customer' deals?



    • #1423

      Hi SJ

      So far as I am aware you can get new deals as any new customer would – the only thing is that you may have to get somebody in to do your connection privately (the guy that knows our block is Alan Kay and I think his details are in a related thread regarding Sky at http://www.rainbowquay.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=9.0)

      The terms of our lease do not allow individual dishes to be installed but there are communal dishes on each block.

      In order to use Sky+ you need two signal feeds – you can achieve this through two means:
      1. if you have a 2nd feed in a bedroom you can have that cabling moved through into your lounge
      2. you may be able to get a signal splitter (or stacker) installed on your lounge feed which basically turns it into two signals somehow on top of each other – I have this in my flat and have not had any issues with it over the past 4 or so years.

      I am not sure how multi-room works (I have one of those gadgets that transmits the signal from my lounge into a bedroom and it works pretty well). 

      I hope that helps – give us a shout if you have any (non-technical!) questions.

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