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    • #404

      RMG has a web portal that allows Leaseholders to report faults, check their accounts and make payments. This is through the RMG Living site which can be accessed at http://www.rmgltd.co.uk. Each leaseholder has their own secure account area which is accessed through a user-name and password.

      Further, there is a generic email address for fault reporting:


      and of course the telephone number is 0845 002 44 44.

      I shall shortly update the rainbow quay contact page with the new information.

    • #994


      Apologies for this, but I'm now sufficiently $*£&*”!! that I will make this a public complaint.

      1) One or more of the residents of 2RQ is blatantly ignoring the rules of the lease of their flat(s) by dumping non-household garbage outside the doors for the bins. I have strong suspicions of who (or at least which flat) is doing this and I have reported this previously with no action being taken. It's disgusting and I would like to know what the management company will do about it (it's obvious that posting letters doesn't help)

      2) The key for the bins has now been missing for over 3 months!!! I can't report it to the management company because I don't own the flat (another ridiculous requirements – I have the same rights as those that own the flats)

      3) Our landlord can't get a new key for the front door to the block, despite having requested this a number of times over the past 6 months!!

      With the above in mind I am now writing a letter to the landlord recommending they withhold the service charge until something is done (as they are clearly not getting value/service for their money)

    • #995

      Dempers I hear your frustrations and we will try and deal with each question in turn.

      1) I am not aware of the rubbish outside block 2.  Sometimes a resident does organise with the council to come and collect bulky items, but there is a time period between arranging and the actual collection.  Do you know how long the stuff has been there?
      2)  I can assure you that if you rang the helpline and reported the missing key then the managing agent would see that a new one was placed on the hook.  The cleaners should also have noted this and I shall take this matter up to try and get to the bottom of it.
      3) Wood own a spare set of all the keys on the development and I have personally seen these.  The time between  requesting a new key and delivery is down to the postal service.  I refuse to believe that it has taken your land lord 6 months to get a key unless they have no ability to chase things.
      You are quite within your rights to write a letter to your landlord however I would add that we can only act on problems if we know about them.  Waste issue are communal and thus Wood will act on them.  If you have details of when you reported the problems we can check with the call centre why they have not been dealt with.

    • #996

      I would like to just contribute briefly as a 2RQ resident:

      1) Unfortunately, the dumping of household waste as well as (most recently) a sofa, a TV, a washing machine, and other furniture items, currently a smashed-up bookcase of sorts, has indeed become a very common sight outside Block 2.
      2) The bin room key has 'gone missing' on many previous occasions in the past and is highly likely to disappear again as soon as it has been replaced. My wife and I now have our own keys, which we purchased from Wood about a year ago.
      3) I agree it should not take more than perhaps a day or two to get a replacement key for the front door. I think keys are even being hand-delivered by Wood themselves or by their agent, and not sent through the post.

      10, 2 RQ

    • #997

      Having tried to register for the RMG 'Living' website for leaseholders I have found that I have been a bit premature announcing it.

      Woods systems have not yet fully integrated with those at RMG and so the system will not actually be live until the New Year.

    • #998

      Hi guys

      I too have written directly to Wayne Savage about the eyesore outside Block 2 and he suggests RMG will be contacting everyone about their responsibilities. I live in Block 4 and have to walk by it every day. However, I would have thought the type of waste left there should be going in the garage recycling area, not the bin store so its the access code to the garage they need, not a key to the bin store?

      I disagree with Simon on the gap between notifying the council and collection – surely one should wait until the day of collection before dumping their stuff on the dockside?  As for how long its been there I's guess about 4 weeks but the guys in Block 2 will know better.



    • #999

      I think the problem here is that you get new people move in (more than likely renting) and they are not aware of the recycling facilities nor the access to the garage.

      I have just finished making up a new residents info card and on this I have included details about the councils free waste collection service and who to contact for garage access.  

      Often it is the case that nobody actually reports the issue.  If however it was reported 4 weeks ago then it is the fault of the managing agent. That said the cleaners should have reported in anyway, and this I will address.

    • #1000

      fb2 key for bin doors,anyone can purchase from any locksmiths.

    • #1001

      Hi all,

      I must also add that the same is happening outside block 1. There are two bin storage areas on each side of the stairs and one of them is locked. The key has been missing for months and people are now just dumping their rubbish outside the door. Its ridiculous as the door to the second bin area five yards away is open. The really is a hygiene issue and needs to be addressed.

      I would report it to Woods but its taken me two months (to the day!) to get my communal door and garage fob replaced and I don't I have the time or energy to deal with them again.

      Cheers, Damo.

    • #1002

      You dont have the time or the energy to chase Woods for issues that have a direct impact on your quality of life at rainbow quay, yet have time to write about it in the forum.  I am sure there is an irony and lesson for all there.

      Well done.

    • #1003

      I have contacted Wayne to ask that Bin store Keys will be the responsibility of the cleaners to replace.  Maximum wait time in future should be no more than a week once system is in place.

      Further, Daymo, I will try and get to the bottom of why it took you so long to get your keys.  It would be helpful if you could provide some dates when you requested them so we may check with the telephone log files at Wood to see why the system has not worked.


    • #1004


      Your sarcasm is needless to say the least. It takes 2 mins to type a post – its taken 2 months to try and get my fob replaced. As for the sequence of events, I have raised them with Glenn Tilly who I’m told is Wayne’s manager, yet he hasn’t taken 2 mins out of he’s day to respond to my email from last week.

      We can discuss this in detail at the AGM.


    • #1005

      Sorry Damian I can only speak from my experience, I recently got a fob for a neighbour in under two weeks.  I very much doubt Glen will be in attendance at the AGM.  I have emailed Wayne and I hope to have an explanation as to why your situation has been so frustrating.  If you let me know when you sent off the deposit money for the fob etc. it will make it easier for us to track down where the system is falling down.

    • #1006

      I have recently spoken to Wayne and I believe that he has resolved the issue with the fobs and explained the problems that had occurred. I am working on the issue with the missing bin store keys.

      All the best

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